Three Things to Know about Motorcycle Glasses
If you regularly ride a motorcycle, you know it’s unsafe to wear standard eyeglasses on the road. You also understand that contacts aren’t enough, either. You need something wrapped around your eyes to protect them from wind and debris!
Our optometrist can help you find the vision correction you need to enjoy your time on the road. Here are three things your eye doctor at Alabama Eye Care in Talladega, AL, wants you to know about motorcycle glasses.
request an appointmentDon’t Ride a Motorcycle with Glasses
Aside from making you look funny, there is one critical reason for not wearing glasses with a motorcycle helmet. The padding in your helmet puts pressure on the frames. This padding puts pressure on your nose bridge. It can cause considerable discomfort and distort your frames, making your glasses hard to wear when you aren’t wearing a helmet.
Uncomfortable eyeglasses become a dangerous distraction. Wearing glasses over your helmet straps relieves the pressure on your nose, but it stretches the frames.
Motorcycle Helmet Won’t Mold Correctly
When you are “breaking in” a motorcycle helmet, you aren’t just changing your helmet to fit your face. You can remove the foam padding and place it under a heavy weight to give your face more room, but this defeats the purpose of the padding. The foam normally breaks down to form-fit your skull, molding it to your head shape.
You Need Goggles for Vision Correction
If you are wearing an open-face helmet (most experts recommend you do), you still need protection for your face. Goggles protect your eyes and the most sensitive areas of your face that aren’t covered by your helmet. You will always need goggles with an adjustable strap.
If you choose to wear a helmet with a face shield, motorcycle glasses are available with almost every correction you can get with ordinary eyeglasses and contacts. Whether you need correction for nearsightedness, correction for farsightedness, correction for astigmatism, or progressive lenses. Our optometrist in Talladega can prescribe the right lenses for you.
Make your appointment for prescription motorcycle glasses today!
Dr. Kiersten Moon serve patients of all ages. Call or text us at (256) 362-4872 or contact us online to schedule your appointment! For after-hours emergency care, please call (205) 492-0490. Alabama Eye Care offices are located within the Talladega, AL, area.